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Kansas Officers to seek warrants for blood samples at DUI Checkpoints.


Kansas Officers to seek warrants for blood samples at DUI Checkpoints.

Here is the latest news in the erosion of the constitution. Now when you refuse field sobriety testing at a DUI checkpoint these officers in Salina, KS are going to be using new software to get a warrant to test your blood in only 30 minutes time... Yet another blow to the 5th amendment.

See the story below:

"Salina police and Saline County sheriff's deputies are planning to try a new process of "no refusal" saturation patrol Friday as they seek impaired drivers.

Lt. Russ Lamer said if a police officer has probable cause to pull a driver over on suspicion of driving under the influence and the driver refuses a breath or blood test, the officer will pursue a search warrant to collect a sample of the driver's blood.

Lamer said four additional officers and one additional supervisor will be on patrol from 11:30 p.m. Friday to 2:30 a.m. Saturday. The Saline County Sheriff's Office also will have additional deputies on patrol, he said.

He said the goal is to put the new procedure in place in the future whenever a DUI test is refused. Lamer said that as of July 1 a driver who meets certain criteria, such as a previous DUI conviction or a previous refusal of a DUI test, can be charged for refusing a breath or blood test.

Warrant process

Lamer said new equipment allows officers to seek a search warrant electronically, thereby speeding up the process of getting a warrant.

He said an affidavit will be emailed to a representative of the county attorney's office and a judge, who will be able to apply an electronic signature to a warrant. Lamer said he expects the new process to take about 30 minutes, shaving about an hour and a half off the process and allowing officers to obtain a blood sample before alcohol has dispersed through a person's system.

"If everyone would not drink and drive, it would make this a moot point," Lamer said."

Thanks to the Salina Journal for the story.

If you or someone you know has been charged with DUI, Drunk Driving, or other criminal charges contact our office in Overland Park, KS today to speak with an attorney and get a free case evaluation.

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